Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Second Time Around

We pulled the Constance Marie from its moorings on October 18th.  It was a Friday and Indian Summer was in full splendor.  I was planning to do the haul-out on Saturday but opportunity presented itself and Robert, one of our tractor drivers, said I had a 30 minute window to get the boat to the loading ramp and out of the water.   Wow!  Mad Hatter take two,  jumped into the dink, motored out, secured the dink to the sloop, motored Her back to the dock and we pulled her out and put Her up on her boat stands all inside 30 minutes. Unfortunately, never had a chance to lay any ground cover under the boatstands. Not good. Come winter and spring, this section of the boatyard turns into quagmire of muck and yuck. Well, I retrieved the power washer and gave the old girl a good bath. One of the benefits of sailing the northern waters of the Chesapeake is that it's all fresh barnacles, no annual bottom paint. Five fresh water rivers feed the region. The Susquehanna, the North East, the Elk, the Bohemia and the Sassafras.  At the headwaters of the North East River is a favorite spot for the Bassmaster Pro Elite tour. 
Figure 43
High and Dry

Anyhow, after the Constance Marie was cleaned up, we winterized Her.  You can do this in stages over  1-2 days or spend two-three hours and get it all done in one day.  I like to run the engine and get everything warmed up.  My buddy Denis changes his oil with his boat still in the water.  Makes sense and I think I will do that prior to the end of next season. 

Lesson Learned:  Remember to put some paper towels and a plastic bag around the filter when to catch the oil that will flow from it.

Using the replacement oil filter that was in The Beast's A-Kit (spare parts), I installed the new oil filter remembering to put some oil on the o-ring at the bottom of the new filter so a good seal is made.  This engine is 33 years old but just resurrected, so its important to change that the oil is changed each year.  Never give an old man something that he can whine about.  Same thing with an old engine.

I basically did the same with the transmission fluid, although on The Beast this is easier said than done as the the tranny is located just in front of the stuffing box near the rear of the engine and down below.

Next was the fresh water cooling system which uses a 50-50 solution of anti-freeze and water year round.  We rarely, if ever violate the -5 rule but I insist on using anti-freeze (and Pink Piss) with the capabilities of -55 degrees.  This year I drained the anti-freeze and added the more concentrated mix.  Old engine, runs hot.  
    Figure 44
    The Beast Ready for Winter
    I turned to the topping off the diesel fuel tank.  Most of us at the club go over to the nearest working marina and fill it up, but I know that I was only about a gallon down so I used a yellow five gallon diesel can to do it.  I added some Stabil for diesel engines to ensure that we control the critters and condition the fuel for the winter.
    In addition to the oil filter, you have the water/fuel separator and the separator sediment bowl has to be cleaned out.

    In addressing the fuel filters and its elements, with the fuel injectors it is important to bleed any air out of them by running the engine for a few minutes. I closed the thru hull sea cock.. Removed the water intake hose from the sea cock and placed it in  a five gallon bucket of fresh water.  Before re-starting the engine, I checked the zinc pencil in the primary heat exchanged and cleaned it.  I cleaned the raw water sea strainer and started the engine  to draw the fresh water through the sytem. As the bucket near emptied I filled it up again with the a mixed solution capable of -55.  I just don't trust the weather as last winter it went to below -5 with the wind chill and gaskets inside heat exchanges failed dumping coolant all over the engine wells.  Once the bucket was just about empty, I killed the engine.  She was all set for the winter.
    It's recommended by the manufacturer, but I did not remove the impeller and did not disconnect the propeller shaft coupling from the transmission.  I will inspect during spring commissioning.  I made a list of the spares (filters, gaskets, etc) that I used in the A-Kit so I can re-order them piece-meal.  I swapped out the start and service batteries and put the original battery back in for use in the winter.  Of course, fully charging it before doing so.  Whew!  On to the next task! 

    Lesson Learned:  Don't forget to use a trickle charger keeping your service battery (or replacement) charged up for the winter.  A battery charger is good too while working on a project on the boat but don't leave it hooked up for the week if you are not there. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fall is Balling for Sailing

I decided that enough had been done on the boat to let the Constance Marie get wet.  We launched her on Friday, August 23 - my mother's birthday.  I was determined to get some fall sailing in with my wife.  The Down the Bay cruise was right around the corner, but deep down inside I knew the Constance Marie was still too sick to go very far from the mooring field.  So we sailed in the harbor outside Charlestown and Susquehanna Flats and learned how to sail the basics with my wife, our oldest son Jordan and our friend Dale.

Who knows what next year will bring?  More resurrecting power that's for sure!
That yellow flag is the Scottish Flag of St. Andrew, many regard it as the Scottish Battle Flag

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Alien vs Predator

I went back to a wiring project and knew that my Anchor Light was not working.  I wanted to trace the wire from the electrical panel under the galley floor and test for connectivity where the wire entered the mast.  I was more curious how the wire was run than whether it worked or not.  The height between the hull and the galley floor in the Hunter 27 is around 5 inches and it was very hard to see anything until it dawned on me that my I-Phone has a camera and video on it.  I shoved the phone into the bilge hole and shot several pictures pointing in the direction I thought the wires might be coming out of and what did I find....

Figure 38 - The World of Alien

Creepy, very creepy. I was expecting something hideous to come out of that black hold in the back.  But there were my black and red wires.

Creepy, very creepy.

Figure 39 - Meets the World of Predator

Somehow, I snapped another picture and this time it is ROMEX and I could not figure out why it was where it was and where it was heading. All the ROMEX I had found to date was in the AC connecting the three the electrical panel.  Not sure if I ever concluded what I was looking at here.

Maybe somebody who reads this in the future can answer this riddle?

I continued in my wiring efforts to inspect and ensure functionality prior to replacing.  The DC schematic from the original 1979 Hunter Owners Manual helped a great deal  along with the The Beast's wiring diagram of the harness.

Figure 40 - I=V/R
Figure 41 - Internet Research
Found This
Well, it was time to connect back the
bowl of spaghetti wires to the electrical panel.  Thank goodness I found a diagram on the internet for this exact panel.

Lesson Learned:  If you are going to take wires off of something before you know what you are doing, make sure you label them well.

Figure 42 - Unlabeled wiring.
It took the better part of August to finish the wiring because I was my own worst enemy.  But this was on my bucket list, to wire a boat from scratch.  My manhood was at stake.  I cried, cursed, kicked things until somehow, someway, the great feat was accomplished.  I am glad I was alone in these moments because the embarrassment of another club member or Olivia observing me would have been too great to bear.  Perhaps someone did hear me and they were mature enough to let it pass.  Yikes!

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Lady in Red (Diesel Tank)

Now that many of the structural projects were done, I was catching a second wind.  It was just past mid-summer (for our neck of the woods) and folks at the club were already talking about the Down the Bay Cruise in September and the subsequent Pig Roast.  Now that The Beast was in, I wanted to fix the fuel guage on the newly painted aluminum fuel tank.  The original 12 gallon tank had been reduced to 8 gallons by the first owner who wanted more storage room.  Cruising the northern Chesapeake, an 8 gallon is ok with a 10hp Westerbeke.  The Beast burns around a gallon an hour when iron sailing and there are plenty of marinas in the area.

Figure 36 - Fuel Guage
 12gal to 8gal
In opening the fuel guage by removing the four outside screws, I had to play around with a pair of needle nose pliers in bending the stem of the float just right so that when the fuel tank was full, it would register 3/4 tank.  It took awhile but the resurrection process was moving ahead at hull speed.

Figure 37 - The Full Monty

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Beast Within

I call the engine The Beast but frankly, the Constance Marie, carrying the name of Mom, is an angel.  Little by little this angel is getting Her wings back.  With Andy's supervision, Reese and I manned the block and tackle and hoisted the mighty 10hp 2 cylinder (ok guys stop laughing, I am an old school guy.  If I wanted a dragster with 18hp or more I would have converted to nitro-methane).  Cruising is cruising.  Racing is racing.  Currents are currents.  Wind is wind.  I am not worried about changing out the engine because Dennis The Wise told me that "SAILING AND SCHEDULES DON'T MIX" so why be in a hurry going from Point A to Point B. 

Figure 35 - The Beast back home
Later on we cut the raw water hose and put in a raw water filter mounting it below the antifreeze overflow container.  You can see the fiberglass wrapping at the end of the radiator and above the heat exchanger.  The custom fit on the elbows leading into the carbon muffler on the other side of the painted bulkhead meant we did not have to have a support to secure the muffler as did the old stainless steel which is where is rusted through.  Given this is a closed system, we made sure that the loop in the exhaust hose met specifications for water and diesel discharge.  Although not seen, the Coast Guard required placards were remounted along with the Westerbeke engine sign.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Every Task Completed is One Day Closer to the Return of The Beast

Figure 25 - Whole new stuffing
Figure 26 - All filters mounted
on bulkhead
Figure 27 - New thru hulls for raw
water and galley sink
Figure 30 - Making the harness
look pretty

Figure 28 - Old buss works

Figure 29 - New Stainless C-17 Prop Shaft
Figure 31 - Fiberglassing the Heat Exhaust

Figure 32 - Old Stainless Steel Muffler

Andy worked for years in the aerospace and defense industry and knew all about the benefits of heat retention by wrapping things in fiberglass.

Figure 33
Carbon muffler and new exhaust hose
Figure 34 - The Beast Overhauled and ready
for a test run.  Note the filters simulated on bulkhead

After The Beast was pulled a variety of projects dependent on The Beast not being home were accomplished including fresh BIN primer all around.  These took us past the July 4th weekend to complete.

Friday, June 7, 2013

June & July - Fixing the Iron Sail and Then Some!

I can not tell you how many times, as the weather warmed, that I visited the Constance Marie high and dry on her boatstands during April and May.  I would go there and just sit and look at the things I wanted to do.  I had spent more time during this past winter (November through June) organizing the maintenance garage at the club than working on my boat.  I think in a way, it was a way of achieving victory over projects that I did not want to tackle on the boat.  It was good for the club, as we cleaned up the clutter, organized the hardware and created work centers for the guys to drill, sand, cut metal, weld, cut wood and generally tinker with odds and ends.  I labeled everything I could so people would know where things were.  Sadly, the Constance Marie was experiencing loneliness.  Through improving the garage, I actually restored my motivation to take care of my boat projects and finally put others second.  Sometimes we serve and sometimes we need to be hunbled in being served.

Turning my attention to fixing the Westerbeke 10-2 diesel (The Beast), I realized I was in over my head.  By this time I had learned who in the club was good at things.  I also learned that there is a cadre of members who earn a few bucks assisting other members in the club with their boat projects. The guy I was looking for was named Andy.  Experienced, a straight shooter, great sense of humor and above all, a penny pincher.  I would come to like that last trait alot.  Andy believed if you can get the right part for pennies less, it's worth it.  I just wanted the engine to run reliably every time I turned on the ignition switch.  Problem was, the ignition switch wasn't working.  Then we got serious and I loved it.  I had a partner, a noble task, and the resources to ensure success.
I was remiss in taking photos of the pulling of the beast out of its cavity.  The Constance Marie was wedged too close to the adjacent relics that we could not get the club's frontloader close enough to lift The Beast out.  Andy rigged some block and tackle to the main boom and The Beast was hoisted out and laid on the ground beside her benefactor, propped on two 6 x 6's in the mud.  For some reason I started to feel like a enuch. 

Figure 22- The Beast
Figure 23 - Bloody mess
Remember I told you that I had spent most of the winter fixing up the garage.  Guess what, now were going to make use of some that extra space and the new work centers to fix the iron sail!  We used the front loader to move The Beast to the garage where she would sit for 2-3 weeks until we tackled some other projects that needed to be done before reuniting The Beast to its momma.  Look at the engine cavity (Figure 24)and all it entails and then look past the bulkhead and the prop shaft and try to envision all that lies behind there for a sailboat that has a wheel mounted helm.

Figure 24 - The gate to hell
Working from the stern, we found helm drainage hoses, wiring buses,  steering quadrants, steering pulleys and cables, the muffler, exhaust hose, missing nuts and bolts, wear and tear on the hull, the fuel tank, thru hull fittings and the need to clean up that part of the boat that I was sure has not been painted or cleaned for 33 years.

At this point, perhaps a series of pictures would serve best with commentary offered where helpful.  My intent for the Journey of the Constance Marie is to put my prime thoughts down and then go back and add the BOMs associated with each project so that this journey becomes more of a tool for the novice apprentice who wants to take on a project boat.


Monday, February 18, 2013

I am Mortified, Stupified, She is ELECTRIFIED!

Figure 19 - Mast Grounding and Keel Bolt
Well, the winter is wearing on and you can only stay in the basement for only so long.  After working some 35 pieces of teak and miscellaneous woods and by no means done, I was yearning to turn my attention to some else and so I fired up the portable heater on the boat and took on a another project:  This time it was the grounding wire from the mast.  It was  grounded to the front keel bolt.  It was not in good shape and partially broken at the connector. Let's talk about the grounding of this sloop.

[ABYC Recommendations, Marine Advisor, Spring 2001). Being the Constant Marie is a sailboat with an aluminum mast we have the starting point of a well-grounded lightning rod. This will provide a zone of protection for a radius around its base equal to the height of the lightning rod. Due to some vessels overall length, it may be necessary to install another lightning rod to encompass any areas that do not fall within the zone of protection. Don't forget that the mast itself must be physically bonded or connected through to the common ground - one of the keel bolts or if a encapsulated keel, to the grounding plate, in order to provide optimum protection.  In this case, to the Constance Marie's keel bolt.  The apex of the rod should be a minimum of six inches above any masthead device. The end should be sharpened to a point. The base of the mast or the mast step if metal, should be connected to a keel bolt on externally ballasted vessels. The preferred wire gauge is No. 6 or even better, #4AWG stranded copper. In no case should such a connection be made to a vessel with internal ballast. The result could be a hole blown through the bottom of the hull. Boats with internal ballast should have a copper ground plate of at least one square foot in size installed externally on the hull bottom. The grounding wire should then be connected to the ground plate. All wire conductors should be kept as straight as possible. All large metal objects above and below decks should also be electrically tied into the lightning ground conductor. This is a precaution against side flashes. Large metal objects include shrouds, chainplates, toe rails, sail tracks, winches, steering wheels, and bow and stern pulpits. These items can be tied into the ground conductor wire by a minimum #8AWG stranded copper gauge wire, or connected directly to the hull ground terminus.  And that's exactly what I did.

Figure 19
Front of electrical panel
You might remember earlier that the electrical panel was disconnected from all the AC / DC wires in the first days after the Constance Marie was pulled. 

Figure 20
Back of electrical panel
This is the original electrical panel designed for 1980. Hmmm, what was going on in 1980?
Yearly Inflation Rate 13.58%
Dow Jones Industrial Average 963       
Interest Rates Federal Reserve   21.5%
  Average Cost of new house $68,700   

Median Price Existing Home $62,200
Average Income per year $19,500.00
Average Monthly Rent
 Cost of a gallon of Gas $1.19
Average cost new car $7,200.00

Back to reality.  I was looking at an electrical panel that had the alternating current (AC) designed on the same panel as the direct current (DC). Of course the AC is like the power in your house and the DC is like the power provided by the battery in your car.  Things change over time and codes now require that AC and DC be on separate panels but the Constance Marie is a 30+ years old and I chose to keep things functionally normal.  I would focus on the DC conductivity and fix the AC later.  Remember, we moor the Constance Marie and not slip her at a dock as a matter of routine.  I bought some 5 amp, 10 amp and 15 amp circuit breakers to replace the old ones in the panel.

When I purchased the Constance Marie I discovered that I did not have an owners manual for 1980.  I found one for 1979 and could barely read the wiring diagrams, so I created one myself from physically eye-balling things and the little I could get from the documentation.
I did the same for the AC which was alot more simple.  Remember you can click on the picture to enlarge it.
Figure 21 - DC schematic of the Constance Marie
I checked all the wiring on the boat as best as I could and I was surprised to find twisted pair and not solid core.  I spent the next several weeks putting in new galley and berth stainless steel lights, new running lights, fixing the mast ground and putting in three ground fault interrupter (GFI) sockets in the galley, navigation and head areas. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

There's No Place Like Home....

It was a bit dismaying to not be working physically on the boat. After all, that is where all the projects that needed to be done could be found. I decided I would work on sanding all that teak I had removed from the boat earlier.This included all the berth and head sliding doors, clapboards, galley stairs, mouldings, storage cabinet doors, drawers, bulkheads, engine panels, helm cupholder and table and the bildge cover. I would sand them, clean the solid brass hinges and add solid brass cabinet fasteners to keep food stuffs and dishes from spilling out into the galley when heeling 30 degrees. (I have always been a dreamer!)
Figure 17 - Reworking a bulkhead on ye ole workbench 
I have worked with wood in the past and I was hoping that most of the pieces were solid teak, but I forget that boats like this were built for families at the right price.  I found that all the cabinets doors, sliding doors and storage doors were made of teak veneer.  Using a belt sander on such pieces would be risky as you can go right through the veneer and then you are stuck with blotches of the real wood.  Taking off the veneer would not help because the quality of the wood's patina surface would not premit it.  So I degreased each piece using Murphy's Oil Soap.  On the tough spots, I used that handy dandy steamer aforementioned.

Figure 18
Bilge cover and more.
 In removing these teak pieces, there was a lot of hardware to keep track of.  As I examined each piece of brass and stainless, I placed them in different plastic tupperware containers to be cleaned at a later date.

There was the need to continuously remember the guiding principal behind the purchase of the Constance Marie.  The overall intent of working these projects was to learn how a  boat is constructed and how things on that boat work.  This is not a restoration but rather more of a resurrection effort realizing that what I take away in knowledge from these efforts, will serve me well on my next boat. So in working these projects, functionality, not appearance was the driver.  I know that this may not be aligned with the thinking of many, but I have only been a sailor for a couple of years and its the performance I am interested in.  The wooden template with all the circles in it in Figure 19 below, is a shelf inlay in the Key Switch cabinet designed to hold jars or cans of all kinds.  I would place food stuffs like nuts, oatmeal, peanut butter, etc in it.
Figure 19 - CETOL is to Teak like like
honey to a bear's tongue! 
You might notice in Figure 19 also, the difference in the dark and deep maroon unfinished appearance of the drawer faces and a CETOL finished "washboard slat" used to secure the boat's entrance into the galley.  The slat was solid teak wood and a sander worked great.  I tend to like the lighter interior colors on an all fiberglass hulled boat like the Hunter 27, however Mr. Cherubini and the 1980's favored that rich boardroom look.  I guess we will see what we can do over time.  Ecletic might win out.  Hey! It's my boat!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

I Wanted A Project Boat, I Got A Project Boat!

Figure 13
Single battery system with no redundancy

Starting with the battery storage area.  There was one single large 12 volt battery (gel type).  I knew that I wanted to upgrade to a dual battery system.  I also knew that I  wanted to change the key switch out so that I could put in an automatic charging relay (ACR) switch that would manage the power from the alternator to distribution for the needs on the boat.  This project was scheduled for the summer.

Another area that I had initially exposed was the boat's bilge.  I had a rough schematic of the boat's design and saw that the bilge pump was located in the wrong place.  It was located toward the stern when it should have been located in the second position forward.  See Figure 14.
Figure 14
The bilge of the Constance Marie
How did I know this because I had previously pumped the bilge water that had collected and noticed that the first and second positions forward had the most water in it.  Want I did not take into consideration was how the Constance Marie was postioned on the boat stands.  When we subsequently launched her in late summer, the new bilge worked just fine.  The space for the bilge was a bit over 4 inches so I was limited in my selection and ended up getting one rated 750gph.  Not that it would really every pump that much.  I also chose one with an automatic selector because the float really did not have that much room either.  I decided not to hook up the automatic chord to the battery as the vertical length of the hose from the bilge to the thru-hull was about five feet and two of that was vertical.  I was advised against a check valve so the bilge was constantly pumping.
Anyhow, I took a 1/16 drill bit and drilled into each of the stringers.  The first and second position stringer found no wood.  i was not worried as the stringers were fiberglassed 1/2 thick and I felt that this was sufficent for the foreseeable future.

Turning to the engine, it was red, dirty, smelled a bit and all mine!  Look closely at the lower left corner of Figure 15 and you can even see evidence of a past fire.  Oh great!  I used to drop volkswagen engines when I was a teen, but this was a bit different, but not that different.

Figure 15
"The Beast" Westerbeke 10-2 Diesel 

It was a closed system, meaning that an impeller drove a raw water system that served to wrap around and help cool the anti-freeze radiator system that cooled the engine. The water looked like it discharged out the exhaust hose.  There was no raw water filter leading into the engine, there was a series of pumps, alternator, fuel injectors, generator, etc.  What I did not like was that it was difficult to get to many of these and that there was no spare parts kit. This was the original engine and considered experimental as most Hunter 27 in the Cherubini era had Yanmars or Renaults in them.  I was concerned about the burned areas of the bulkhead and whatever unseen damage it may indicate.  The engine would have to come out, Her motor mounts inspected and repaired, all the filters would be made available by hanging them on the starboard bulkhead and the engine well all painted a brilliant white.  I would create a project BOM for this to be done during the warmer days that lie ahead. 

Figure 16
The Stuffing Box of Mordor
But wait......the ugliest of a Mordor ORC raised its ugly head.  The stuffing box and shaft looked as if there were built using rust as the raw material.  For those of you with weak stomachs, I warn you that the Figure 16 is rated (MA) for mature audience.  I gasped as my eyes became fixed on something that I knew was broken.   I couldn't deal with it.  It was painful yet I knew it had worked well enough to get me from the mooring to the loading ramp during pullout.  I was dismayed but not beaten.  Another warm weather project!

Gee, January was really cold.  Needed to get some heat into the boat.  The boatyard has ruggedized power stations throughout and so a 100 foot yellow extension cord (see Figure 15 above) was run to one of them.  This provided power a 1500w portable heater when I was working on the boat. It would have been unfair to the club's expenses to run it otherwise.  It was unplugged when not in use.  I needed to focus on stuff that I could work on at home during these next couple of months until mid-March when days would begin to warm up.

Lesson Learned: Don't start too many projects at once.  They will overwhelm you and one can get burned out as I did between the months of March, April and May.  I barely got anything done between that time.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

To Work! To Work!

Well the holidays have past and the Constance Marie has been sitting on her boatstands for over three months. It was a hectic time around the boatyard as the cold weather began to move in.  All the boats had to be out of the mooring field by November 1st, docks had to be pulled in, the garage cleaned up to accommodate the tractors, the club house ready for the Holiday parties, firewood chopped - and anything that needed winterizing got soaked with pink piss. I had my plan, I knew what I had and what I needed to buy and I had my first six project BOMs developed.

It occurred to me that I needed to prep the boat for all this project work.  Let's get everything off the boat we don't need along with materials that I decided I could work on in the heated luxury of my basement. 
Figure 8
Looking Forward on January 12, 2013
I am six foot two and the 1980 Hunter Cherubini was built for a six footer.  I quickly learned to "duck" to survive as I moved around the galley going forward and aft. Remember, I bought the boat before I went on the boat!   

The very first thing I did was to rip all that beautiful tan carpet off the inside of the hull.  Why would I do that?  BLACK MOLD! 

Figure 9
Front berth with 35 gallon fresh water tank
You can see by the picture on the right the hairy mass of backing still stuck to the interior hull.  Once the carpet was out, I used an electric barber trimmer with a fine attachment to trim down the fibers left by the carpet.  Then I washed it down with Clorox to kill any mold remaining.  A lot of sanding by hand was done in the front berth area.  Just could not find a liquid alternative that would do the job as well. 
Figure 10
Looking Aft on January 12, 2013
Ok, for you hearty folks, its  January 12th in the mid-atlantic region - COLD - if you notice in the picture looking aft, no electric heater can be seen.  That surely was not going to stay that way very long.  I was storming through the boat, just unscrewing things, taking drawers out, taking off and out whatever teak wood I could remove.  I even opened up the electrical AC/DC combo panel and unscrewed all the connections thinking that I color coded them enought for later on.  I took the engine panels off, all the interior lights, lamps, and guages.

Lesson Learned - a famous king in Biblical times wrote on wisdom.  (Paraphrasing) He said that "it is wise to go and seek the counsel of experienced men before embarking on a great journey".   

Figure 11
Some of the Parts
I was dumber than dumb.  I had a beautiful plan and not the patience to approach it correctly.  As a result of this, the Constance Marie would not see a wet hull till September 2013.  I had stuff everywhere and it overwhelmed me.  Parts were in my car, my basement workbench, the garage, the garage workbench and on the boat.  The same with tools.  Today, I must have 50 straight-edge screw-drivers due to not being organized.  These replace / repair projects would eventually get me thinking right after many conversations with some of the more experienced sailors on the front porch of our club overlooking the northern headwaters of the Chesapeake Bay. 

Figure 12 - View from the porch of the Clubhouse
We cleaned the head using a small hand steamer loaded with 2 parts water, 1 part 409 and two caps of clorox.  Never noticed how clean everything was getting because the fumes had me visiting other places!  My intent was to rework all the teak wood veneer in my basement using a belt sander....LOL, I can hear some of you howling now!!!!! I still have not fully remedied that decision. 

Ok, so now I am ready to begin real projects.  Start placing your bets on what you think happens.