Man, the winter of 2015 in the Northern Chesapeake was brutal this year. Snow on the ground from December through March. Well, we made it through another Steamers Night, Pig Roast, Commodore's Ball, Thanksgiving Dinner and the Holiday Fund Raiser. I also serve as the Entertainment Chairperson for the Club and I was glad to stand down for awhile.
Figure 72
Thru-hulls for raw water and
galley sink drain |
Well, its now early March and I am beginning to plan out the maintenance and repairs for the new season along with getting the Constance Marie ready for Her shakedown cruise come mid-May. I did some work on the inside of the boat over the winter. Let's take a look at how this 35 year old Lady is looking:
Figure 73
View forward |
Figure 74
New paint job starboard side |
Figure 75
New paint job port side |
Figure 76
New paint job quarter berth right next to the Beast |
She is shaping up nicely. Still have a lot of work to do with the interior teak but we will get there.
Waiting for the warmer weather in April to paint the hull and polish her exterior and put the remaining six new portals in. Have a bit of repair to do on the Genoa as she tore last season about six inches.